Best Sensitivity Setting For Pubg
Best Sensitivity Setting For Pubg:
To mastering Player Unknown Battle Royal (PUBG) sensitivity has most important role because it can increase chance to kill enemy so far.
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Best place to check your sensitivity is working right according to your concern is training room, where you can set sensitivity and check.
You may seen many pubg players gameplay or live stream that they spray enemy with less recoil or sometimes even zero. This is all because of ads sensitivity.
If you are willing to know the best settings for pubg game here below you will find it. These settings are taken from best players of pubg like panda, tacaz & many more.
- Camera Sensitivity (Free Look):
Camera sensitivity is for looking around. How fast/slow player wanted look right left or up down. Default setting for camera is almost fine for camera but if you wanted to make it more faster then you can change and check it on training room to know is it good for you or not.
Here are the values of camera sensitivity.
Camera: 93-103
3rd Person Camera: 92-98
1st Person Camera: 68-75
- Camera:
Camera setting is for scope sensitivity to look around with opened scope. This is separate for each and every scope like dotX, 2x, 3x, 4x, 6x & 8x. Every scope has separate recoil on every gun so you should set it with high accuracy and check it on training session.
Here the best values of camera.
1st Person No Scope: 100
3rd Person No Scope: 85-90
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 45-50
2x Scope: 30-35
3x Scope: 20-23
4x Scope, ACOG Scope, VSS: 16-18
6x Scope: 12-13
8x Scope: 10-11
Ads sensitivity means Aim Down Sight which only work for scope Recoil sensitivity. Scope recoil means how much gun will move while firing. If the values of ads is not accurate then your gun will move really fast while firing that can cause your aim up down. Don't value it zero because you will not move it while firing with open scope. It important to give it value with high accuracy because it can cause slow movement of scope.
Best values for ads sensitivity are there.
Gyroscope tracks the movement of device. It means player or scope will move if you move the device. Its is also important to value gyroscope because at the time of spraying player must need to shoot down running enemy or moving car so it can be move easily with device moving while your fingers are on joystick movement & fire button.
Here the best values of camera.
Camera setting |
1st Person No Scope: 100
3rd Person No Scope: 85-90
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 45-50
2x Scope: 30-35
3x Scope: 20-23
4x Scope, ACOG Scope, VSS: 16-18
6x Scope: 12-13
8x Scope: 10-11
- Ads Sensitivity:
Ads sensitivity means Aim Down Sight which only work for scope Recoil sensitivity. Scope recoil means how much gun will move while firing. If the values of ads is not accurate then your gun will move really fast while firing that can cause your aim up down. Don't value it zero because you will not move it while firing with open scope. It important to give it value with high accuracy because it can cause slow movement of scope.Best values for ads sensitivity are there.
Ads Sensitivity |
1st Person No Scope: 89-90
3rd Person No Scope: 96-98
Red Dot, Holographic, Aim Assist: 55-60
2x Scope: 38-40
3x Scope: 31-32
4x Scope, ACOG Scope, VSS: 25-27
6x Scope: 18-20
8x Scope: 11-13
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