How to Find Erangel in Real Life?

How to Find ERANGEL in Real World?

Yes it is real place! Erangel is a fictionous island in Unknown Battle Royal and it was the first playable map of Pubg. Erangle has many small place for loot like Pochinki, Military base, Gorgeopol, Shelter and many more.
Erangel Map
Erangel Map

Pubg Locations In Real World (Erangel Map)

In real world erangel is situated somewhere near Russia. It is the centre of testing of Chemical/biological weapons for military experiments.
After the local civilization revolted against these chemicals Weapon tests on this island there were a dispute between locals and the military then military had only option to shut down this island and lockdown there because this island is no more able to live there and its unsafe thats why there's still school, apartments, military base you can see on erangel map.


Yes school is the first real life place in pubg which is situated near Chernobyl in Russia. After the military and locals dispute this school was shutdown for students but it is still there and same as in Pubg. This was the music school which was shut down and now it located in forbidden zone of chernobly.  Anyone can find School in Chernobyl disaster area in Russia.
There were a nuclear disaster took place near school area in erangel. This nuclear fail was on 26 April 1986 and happened at no 4 Rector. During safety test. It wad the second worst nuclear disaster in the history after japan nuclear disaster. There were less then 100 deaths in disaster.
School in pubg map
School in pubg map

Pubg School in real life
Pubg School in real life


You have visited many times in shelter for best loot, shelter is a underground base. But do you know the shelter location in pubg is situated in Chernobyl Nuclear disaster area.This abandoned underground base was used to storage of nuclear weapons and equipements for testing. After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster this Underground base were abandoned.
Pubg Shelter in Map
Pubg Shelter in Map

Pubg Shelter in Real Life
Pubg Shelter in Real Life

Yasnaya Polyana:

Yasnaya Polyana is really good and preferred location for loot in erangel map , it is beside Paddy hay (Golden Grass Valley) which is situated in slovakia province in russia in real life. It is situated in northeastern side of erangel map consist of large number of apartments.
Yasnaya Polyana Map
Yasnaya Polyana Map

Yasnaya Polyana Map Real Life
Yasnaya Polyana in Real Life


Goergopol is basically divided in two parts and its connected by a small bridge. One is based on apartments and the other part is for cargo container. It is the highly equipped area for loot but with 100% of risk because half of the lobby fall down here so you should have fully prepared if you want to go goergopol. Yoy can expect to come out from pochunki with level 2 helmet,vest may be level 3 and with ARs, SMGs sniper with tons of ammo. It has almost same loot as in school area. In real life goergopol is situated in region of russia. Its situated in kaliningrad region.
Pubg Goergopol in map
Pubg Goergopol in map

Pubg Goergopol in map
Pubg Goergopol in map

Pubg Goergopol in real life
Pubg Goergopol in real life

Pubg Goergopol in real life
Pubg Goergopol in real life


Pochinki is sweeter by name but dangerous to land. It in the center of erangel map with lots of buildings. It is highly risky to land here because you will find 1/3 or even half lobby here. If you can survive till the last and get out of pochinki you will have 20+ kills but if fortunately you can survive. In real life pochinki is a village situated in region of mordovia in russia. It is 700km east from moscow.
Pochinki in map
Pochinki in map

Pochinki in Real life
Pochinki in Real life

Military Base (Sosnovka):

Military base is one of the most equipment area where you can even find level 3 Helmet, Vest, ARs, SMGs and many more, but you will also find minimum of 20+ player landed here.
In real life Military base is situated in Duga, Russia, where the military weapon stored and tested before abandoned. 
Pubg Military Base in Map
Pubg Military Base in Map
Pubg Military Base in map
Pubg Military Base in map

Pubg Military Base in real life
Pubg Military Base in real life


Stalber is a mountainous region with houses between mountains, where you can find armour and weapons. In real life this location is taken from Alberta, mountainous region, Canada.
Pubg Stalber in map
Pubg Stalber in map
Pubg Stalber/Alberta in Real Life
Pubg Stalber/Alberta in Real Life
